Chapter 2: the River of Change

The river of change and long, and has many branches.

More branches than you or I can imagine.

Each decision, each choice, moves us down a different branch.

Some of the branches connect in ways that are not always logical or clear, and some of the branches that initially seemed broad and vast, downriver, become murky and fetid, or violently choppy.

It’s anybody’s guess, really.

And unless you have a map, which no one does, all the logic in the world will not make the next passage of life predicable, or the next move clear. If it does, beware. For many reasons that eventually might become clear.

To make matters even more confusing, the same decision that will lead you to safety, might lead me into peril. There are no absolutes in this game, but to say everything is relative is not entirely accurate either. In fact saying everything is relative is a statement that actively encourages apathy.

Apathy is punished in a deeper, smellier, hotter part of Hell of Dante’s Inferno, than Murder.
